Collection: Cold Hardy Bamboo Seeds

A selection of cold resistant bamboo seeds for hardy bamboo able to withstand periods of Winter temperatures below freezing. The many varieties of bamboo for cold climates dispel the myth that bamboo only thrives in the tropics; nothing could be further from the truth!

You can choose a cold hardy bamboo recommended for your plant zone, and enjoy your bamboo in all seasons worry free. You can also consider an even wider selection of bamboo varieties rated for somewhat warmer zones than yours, by performing some basic seasonal winterization that provides added protection against the colder Winter temperatures in your location. (For example, if you live in Zone 8a, with some additional winterization you can also consider bamboo varieties recommended for zones 8b and 9a.)

Be sure to also check out our collections of Clumping Bamboo Seeds and Fargesia Bamboo Seeds that feature many varieties of cold weather bamboo seeds.